卡扎菲的死亡 - 谁扣动了扳机?Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, covered in blood, is pulled from a truck by NTC fighters in Sirte in this still image taken from video footage Oct 20, 2011. |
卡扎菲的死亡 - 谁扣动了扳机?SIRTE, Libya - Disturbing images of a blood-stained and shaken MuammarGadhafi being jostled by angry fighters quickly circulated around the worldafter the former Libyan leader's dramatic death near his home town ofSirte.
The exact circumstances of his demise are still unclear with conflicting accounts of his deathcirculating. But the footage, possibly of the last chaotic moments of Gadhafi's life, offered someclues into what happened.
Gadhafi was still alive when he was captured near Sirte. In the video, filmed by a bystander inthe crowd and later aired on television around the world, Gadhafi is shown being dragged off avehicle's bonnet and pulled to the ground by his hair.
"Keep him alive, keep him alive!" someone shouts. Gunshots then ring out. The camera veersoff.
"They captured him alive and while he was being taken away, they beat him and then they killedhim," one senior source in the NTC said. "He might have been resisting."
In what appeared to contradict the events depicted in the video, Libya's ruling NationalTransitional Council said Gadhafi was killed when a gunfight broke out after his capture betweenhis supporters and government fighters. He died from a bullet wound to the head.
It said no order had been given to kill him.
Gadhafi called the rebels who rose up against his 42-years of one-man rule "rats", but in theend it was he who was captured cowering in a drainage pipe full of rubbish and filth.
"He called us rats, but look where we found him," said Ahmed Al Sahati, a 27-year-oldgovernment fighter, standing next to two stinking drainage pipes under a six-lane highway nearSirte.
卡扎菲的死亡 - 谁扣动了扳机?An anti-Gadhafi fighter points at the drain where Muammar Gadhafi was hiding before he was captured in Sirte October 20, 2011. |
On the ground, government fighters and the scenes of sheer carnage nearby told the story ofGadhafi's final hours.
Shortly before dawn prayers on Thursday, Gadhafi, surrounded by a few dozen loyalbodyguards and accompanied by the head of his now non-existent army Abu Bakr Younis Jabr,broke out of the two-month siege of Sirte and made a break for the west.
But they did not get far.
France said its aircraft struck military vehicles belonging to Gadhafi forces near Sirte at about8:30 am (0630 GMT) on Thursday, but said it was unsure whether the strikes had killed Gadhafi.
Some two miles west of Sirte, 15 pick-up trucks mounted with heavy machine guns lay burnt out,smashed and smouldering next to an electricity sub station some 20 metres from the main road.
They had clearly been hit by a force far beyond anything the motley army the former rebels hasassembled during eight months of revolt to overthrow the once feared leader.
But there was no bomb crater, indicating the strike may have been carried out by a helicoptergunship, or that it had been strafed by a fighter jet.
卡扎菲的死亡 - 谁扣动了扳机? |
"My mater is here"
Inside the trucks still in their seats sat the charred skeletal remains of drivers and passengerskilled instantly by the strike. Other bodies lay mutilated and contorted strewn across the grass.Some 50 bodies in all.
Gadhafi himself and a handful of his men escaped death and appeared to have run through astand of trees towards the main road and hid in the two drainage pipes.
But a group of government fighters were on their tail.
"At first we fired at them with anti-aircraft guns, but it was no use," said Salem Bakeer, whilebeing feted by his comrades near the road. "Then we went in on foot.
"One of Gadhafi's men came out waving his rifle in the air and shouting surrender, but as soonas he saw my face he started shooting at me," he said.
"Then I think Gadhafi must have told them to stop. 'My master is here, my master is here', hesaid, 'Muammar Gadhafi is here and he is wounded'," said Bakeer.
"We went in and brought Gadhafi out. He was saying 'what's wrong? What's wrong? What'sgoing on?'. Then we took him and put him in the car," Bakeer said.
At the time of capture, Gadhafi was already wounded with gunshots to his leg and to his back,Bakeer said.
Other government fighters who said they took part in Gadhafi's capture, separately confirmedBakeer's version of events, though one said the man who ruled Libya for 42 years was shot andwounded at the last minute by one of his own men.
"One of Muammar Gadhafi's guards shot him in the chest," said Omran Jouma Shawan.
Another of the fighters who said he took part in the capture toted a heavily engraved a goldenpistol he said he took from Gadhafi as he was hoisted on the shoulders of his comrades.
Army chief Jabr was also captured alive, Bakeer said. NTC officials later announced he wasdead.
Fallen electricity cables partially covered the entrance to the pipes and the bodies of three men,apparently Gadhafi bodyguards lay at the entrance to one end, one in shorts probably due to abandaged wound on his leg.
Four more bodies lay at the other end of the pipes. All black men, one had his brains blown out,another man had been decapitated, his dreadlocked head lying beside his torso.
Joyous government fighters fired their weapons in the air, shouted "Allahu Akbar" and posed forpictures. Others wrote graffiti on the concrete parapets of the highway.
"Gadhafi was captured here," said one simply.
卡扎菲的死亡 - 谁扣动了扳机?Fighters with Libya's interim government celebrate at Martyrs' Square in Tripoli Oct 20, 2011. |
"They beat him, then they killed him"
From there Gadhafi was taken to Sirte where he and his dwindling band of die-hard supportershad made a last stand under a rain of missile and artillery fire in a desperate two-month siege.
Video footage showed Gadhafi, dazed and wounded, but still clearly alive and as he wasdragged from the front of a pick-up truck by a crowd of angry jostling government soldiers whohit him and pulled his hair to drag him to the ground.
He then appeared to fall to the ground and was enveloped by the crowd. NTC officials laterannounced Gadhafi had died of his wounds after capture.
Someone in the crowd shouted "keep him alive, keep him alive", but another fighter cried out ina high pitched crazed scream. Gadhafi then goes out of view and gunshots are heard.
Further television footage showed what appeared to be Gadhafi's lifeless body being loadedinto an ambulance in Sirte.
An NTC spokesman in Benghazi, Jalal al-Galal, said a doctor who examined Gadhafi when hearrived in Misrata found he had been shot in the head and abdomen.